A blog shortage? Are you serious? Well, maybe not yet. But soon?

It’s dangerous – it’s deadly – we may have to start rationing – whatever will we do – there might be a panic – or it might be a sign of the apocalypse. Yes, readers, ABC News are reporting what I suspected back in this post here: http://last-adventurer.squarespace.com/last-adventurers-fieldnotes/2010/3/6/interregnum-where-to-go-from-here-the-map-is-blank-part-i.html : that the amount of blogs is potentially declining. ABC news has picked up on the point I was discussing a couple weeks ago – that in an age where 126-500 characters is a lot, it’s difficult to get – and retain a captive audience who wants to read 500 to a 1000 words. The article also reverses that point and looks at it the other way, in that in the age where thoughts are shared succinctly, it’s difficult for people to condense their knowledge into that small of a space; and in a similar fashion, that it is difficult for some people to be forced to write 500 words on a weekly or daily basis.

I find this interesting, because first off, there is no solid empirical data on how many blogs there are out there – or were out there. It may be possible that the high point for blogging may in our collective past. Similarly, it may also be true that the high point may be coming with greater broadband access to hardware, software, and connectivity. I certainly think there’s some interesting statistical data that could be collected by parties that are savvier than I, but until then, I – and the rest of the blogosphere will be left to wonder whether we’re contracting or expanding. As for the larger quandary of whether the changing field is a good or bad thing, I’ll take the safe route here: everything evolves. Not everyone can write a recurring narrative – and that’s fine. Some others may not be able to fit their thoughts into 500 character equations – and they shouldn’t have to. Creativity is best expressed in the format that the mind wants, not in some pre-ordained design. In any case, it’s certainly something interesting to watch.

Read the ABC article here: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/blogging-peaked-facebook-posts-twitter-tweets-growing-easier/story?id=10088992