Backcountry Survival

Essential Survival Skills in the Wilderness for Your Winter Adventures

Essential Survival Skills in the Wilderness for Your Winter Adventures

During the winter, the condition is more extreme, and it requires strong stamina. But, can you deal with the survival skills? Here are survival skills for winter adventures worth taking note of. Winter will make more extreme situations. Plus, it requires a whole lot of determination and stamina. It will also require you to deal with the essential survival skills you will greatly need. So, you have to know about locating edible wild plants, navigation, and water sources. You also have to recognize how to avoid hypothermia and dehydration.


The Hard Way

The Hard Way

To me, Halloween is the best time to celebrate this danger – and risk with stories that deal with any of the topics above – or any wilderness danger topic that I failed to mention. For the last two years, I’ve covered some of the dangers I’ve seen in the wild with Tales of Terror from the Yosemite Backcountry in 2012, which is a story about me facing an unknown problem on a trail patrol in 1998; and Freedom of the Open Road in 2013, which is a story about me facing problems from my fellow man while camping in Colorado. I’ve also been lucky enough to get a story from Melissa Avery about her experiences with the unknown in Peru (More Than Myth), and will have a great post from Missouri Howell later this month about the unknown in Missouri.