
2013 Quadrantid Meteor Shower, January 3, 2013

Good news everybody! We made it, and survived all of the doom and gloom predictions regarding 2012…to experience more doom and gloom predictions regarding 2013 (to read about those, click HERE). So, before the sun purportedly burns us all to a crisp (which it won’t), tonight is a great chance to start off the new year by watching the annual Quadrantid Meteor Shower. In 2012, the Quadrantid’s put on quite a show – however, this year, the shower may be slightly obscured by a semi-bright moon. According to NASA, the best time to view the Quadrantid’s is from 3 a.m. to dawn, no matter where your location is. (Information HERE). If that’s not enough information for you, there’s information HERE, HERE, and HERE, about the annual shower, and as always, if you’d like to help NASA out, check out this app for your smartphones HERE.

2012 Quadrantid Meteor Shower, January 4, 2012

Well, it appears that stargazing in 2012 is starting with a bang, according to the experts - the annual Quadrantid (yes, not the easiest word to say) Meteor Shower is going to be going on during the early morning hours of January 4, 2012. So, if you're like me, and like waking up in the middle of the night to see something, and its not cloudy, check it out!

More information here: http://lightyears.blogs.cnn.com/2012/01/02/quadrantid-meteor-shower-to-light-up-night-sky/?hpt=hp_t3http://www.nasa.gov/topics/solarsystem/features/watchtheskies/quadrantids_2012.htmlhttp://www.space.com/14104-strong-quadrantid-meteor-shower-peaks-wednesday.html