Singing Dunes

Kelso Dunes

Kelso Dunes

If you've been around California, you know that there's a few places where the sand talks. Yes, that's right: the sand talks. In certain places as the sand saltates against your legs you can hear the whispering plink plink plinks of it bouncing off of your body. In other places, when you're out in the deep mountains of sand, you can also hear the dunes speak you with a deep bass timbre, in rumbling chords that go booooom ssssssss booooom. One of the best places to experience this phenomena is the Kelso Dunes, in the Mojave National Preserve, or as some people call it, Tatooine. The Kelso Dunes were one of the locations where the original Star Wars was filmed; and if that wasn't enough of a reason to visit, it is also world-renown for the booms of its singing sand